Falling home through time and space
I had read a lot about experience of other long-term travellers upon coming home again. But it in the end everything went very fast and not at all as planned ...
I had read a lot about experience of other long-term travellers upon coming home again. But it in the end everything went very fast and not at all as planned ...
This is not how travel stories should end, but mine might end here ...
A short update and some thoughts on daily life & when it is time to go home (or not) ...
Mit knapp 50 machte ich Österreich den A-Führerschein, um mich während meiner Reise auch selbstständig per Motorrad fortbewegen zu können. Doch nichts hätte mich auf das tatsächliche Verkehrsgeschehen hier in Südostasien vorbereiten können ...
6 months roaming around South East Asia - places, pictures and some other facts about my first half year living out of a backpack ... Click to read more
He has left to go back home again yesterday…. When we were kids my brother and I did not care very much about eachother, we were just too different. But things have changed and now we went travelling together for 3 weeks in Palawan .... can that work out?
Time for a year end review - 2018 is and will always be very special one for me. Here are some pictures (!) and some personal thoughts ... Please click for more
Studying while traveling sounded like a great opportunity! Can you not study next to the beach - with a cocktail in your hand? asked a friend with whom I discussed the idea at an early stage. Here's the reality check. Please click to read further ...
On October 3, I flew from Jakarta to Yangoon, I changed my address from Indonesia to Myanmar. You are in Asia and might be tempted to think it's similar anyway. And then you get on board of a plane, cross borders, change visa – and suddenly things feel VERY different. Different country, different game. Here are my impressions after my first days in Myanmar – and inevitably some undue comparisons with my first home country in Asia - Indonesia. Click to read more ...
For 2 month I am now travelling Southeast Asia in a basic and repetitive rhythm of arriving, staying and leaving again. How does it feel to live out of a 70 liter backpack? Why do I leave the islands and head for the jungle, if I love the sea so much? Why do I leave the jungle and head for a next destination, when I miss the forest already the day we came out of it? It‘s always one day too early to leave ... Click to read more