The jungle of my childhood dreams

At the age of eleven it was crystal-clear to me that I wanted to become a researcher in the rainforest. I had a quite pronounced idea how a rainforest would look like, probably inspired by some books I had at that time, and for sure inspired by the Jungle Book. So how does it feel to enter a picture that you may have had on your mind for many years, that you may have seen in your childhood in a book? How does it feel to enter King Louie and Mowgli’s territory? Click to read more...


Sumatra Roadmovie

Eines war klar: Reisen in Sumatra ist nicht einfach und man braucht Zeit und Geduld dafür. Ich war auf eine 18-stündige Busfahrt eingestellt, aber nicht auf das, was statt dessen kam....


Banda Aceh – Brother Number 4

Ein kurzer Tag in Banda Aceh. Wer "Aceh" googelt findet sehr schnell die Begriffe Erdbeben, Tsunami, Bürgerkrieg und Schari'a. Wie reist man in so einer Region? Ein paar Eindrücke aus einer Stadt, die mich sehr berührt hat.

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