
The last sunset we watched together was on a small island in Sulawesi, at a time when we were listening to music from cheap audio cassettes we had bought in Kao San road in Bangkok. We had lost sight of eachother for many years. And now she is on her way to Pnom Penh ... Click to read more

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Don’t go there too early!

There are places people warn you of, because they are dangerous or ugly. And then there are places, where people warn you of, because they are too good to be true. If you go there too early, you will be spoilt for a lifetime. Well, I went there and have just come back from Raja Ampat .... Please click to read more.


New country – new game: a first glance into Myanmar

On October 3, I flew from Jakarta to Yangoon, I changed my address from Indonesia to Myanmar. You are in Asia and might be tempted to think it's similar anyway. And then you get on board of a plane, cross borders, change visa – and suddenly things feel VERY different. Different country, different game. Here are my impressions after my first days in Myanmar – and inevitably some undue comparisons with my first home country in Asia - Indonesia. Click to read more ...

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